Thursday, December 20, 2012

PTA meeting notes Dec 13, 2012

Mrs. Quinlan’s room
Dec 13, 2012
Members Present:
Selena Landolt                  Lynn Haberland             Lisa Jones             Bev Cordray               Danielle Gandee                      Tara Vancena                  Sarah Enriquez                Jodi Reitz               Ken Graf

Call to order: Meeting called to order at 3:36pm by TRE PTA President Kate Schmus leading the pledge.

Secretary Report: By TRE PTA Secretary Selena Landolt. -Minutes from last meeting distributed to members present -Motion to approve: Lisa Jones, 2nd Lynn Haberland

Treasurer’s Report: By TRE PTA Treasurer Jodi Rietz
-Provided in writing by Jodi Reitz
-$450 spent on new headphones for classes, earned $1440 from Mixed bags 

-Motion to approve: Lisa Jones, 2nd Sarah Enriquez

Teacher’s Comments: Mrs. Hite said thank you for the cameras we have been using it to skype with other kids in mystery areas trying to guess where they are from. Gingerbread shop is a hit, we love all the choices and that everything is the same $1.50 price. The kids love it.

Principal Comments: Ken Graf stated lots of positive comments about the gingerbread shop this year. The 2nd grade program was great, the kids are performing it for the school too. We are all looking forward to break.

Presentation by Bev Cordray- The reading teachers have discussed the 1 district 1 book. It is a program where each family in the district including teachers and employees will get the same book to read at the same time. The book is the Trumpet of swan. There will be a reading schedule so everyone is reading the same parts so they can discuss
it as a community. There will be an assembly, trivia questions, and projects to go along with the program. When a whole community reads a book there is a lot to talk about. Knights of Columbus and the Lions den along with the PTA will be sponsoring our membership to allow this program plus Scholastic will be giving us a discount on the books. It is $250 per school to become a lifetime member and we will need about 1,700 books. March 1st is the kickoff.

Committee Reports
-Mixed bags earned our school $1,400
-Market day has a special Superbowl party deal on page 4. We have raised a total of $224.72 with Market day fundraising..
-Gingerbread shop is a hit, the kids love it. It is going very smoothly and Diane Walker has done a great job.

Motion to adjourn: 4:07 by Lisa Jones, 2nd Lynn Haberland 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Reflections program deadline has been extended to Dec 7.

The reflections program deadline has been extended to December 7, 2012.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Reflections program entry deadline Dec. 7

Reflections is coming.......

Get caught up in "The Magic of a Moment" and participate in this years PTA Reflections program.  Be creative with a film production, musical entry, literary work, photograph, visual art entry or dance/choreography piece.  Every entry is guaranteed a fun "mood" pencil for trying!  Deadline to enter is November 9.  Be part of the magic and show your creative side!

The flyer is coming home, read it over and get your creative juices flowing! All participants must fill out an entry form online at
More information on the program is available on the website also.

Monday, October 15, 2012

              TRE PTA MEETING
                                  TRE Media Room
                                  October 11, 2012

Members Present  Jennifer Runyon     Alison Brannon         Lisa Jones          Kelly Chany            
                                 Amy Crawford       Jodi Reitz              Amy Tennant          Tara Vancena
                                  Kate Schmus        Jan Tully                Selena Landolt        

Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 3:42 by TRE PTA President Kate Schmus leading the pledge.

Secretary Report:  By TRE PTA Secretary Selena Landolt
-Minutes from last meeting distributed to members present
-Motion to approve: Karin Sullivan, 2nd Amy Crawford

Treasurer’s Report: by TRE PTA Treasurer Jodi Reitz
-Provided in writing by Jodi Reitz
-Motion to approve: Karin Sullivan, 2nd Amy  Crawford

Teacher’s comments  Jan Tully and Karin Sullivan said lunch in September was wonderful thank you. Also, love the document cameras. It is the best, we use them all day long. Thank you for the upcoming mini teacher appreciation dessert Oct 16.
Principal Comments:

Committee Reports
-Book fair did well we earned about $6700 a little down from last year. With that we got $628 for books for the library and bought books for teacher’s rooms. We put the rest into Scholastic dollars.
-Mixed Bags Designs catalogs are being prepared and fundraiser starts Oct 26.
-Market Day having a pie kick off soon. Orders are due soon and will be delivered the first wed of each month in the cafeteria.

Announcements: by TRE President Kate Schmus a new way for teachers to go online and make classroom wish lists. Parents can log on and see what their teacher wish lists are for the classroom and pick up for gifts or if just out and about or have something they are looking for lying around the house. For example Mrs. Kearney lost most of her matchbox cars in the flood. She can post it on her wish list at and the parents can donate them to her class.  This is great for the holidays. Plus our school can earn supplies for having the teachers sign up and it is all free.
-Santa Shop- We have been shopping and working out a deal with a few stores. All items will be $1.50. We will send home a list to place the names of the people your child will be buying gifts for.
-Oct 27 Strides for breast cancer walk if anyone is interested in forming a  team.
-Per Lisa Jones we have 193 PTA members 33 Staff Pta members

 Motion to Adjourn:  4:10pm by Karin Sullivan, 2nd Amy Crawford

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Book fair is September 24-28th

The Book fair is coming September 24-28. It will be open on Tuesday night September 25 from 5-8 so bring your children and select your books together. It is also Pizza Primo night so have a family dinner out at Pizza Primo to support TRE and then bring your receipt to the book fair and get 10% off your book purchase too!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

PTA meeting notes from Sept 13, 2012

              TRE PTA MEETING
                                  TRE Media Room
                                   September 13, 2012

Members Present  Jennifer Runyon     Alison Brannon         Lisa Jones                Carrie Staley              Ken Graf
                               Lynn Haberland         Jodi Reitz                   Amy Tennant          Angie Almomar         Tara Vancena
                               Kate Schmus               Dianne Walker          Selena Landolt         Nicole Hite

Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 3:35 by TRE PTA President Kate Schmus leading the pledge.

Secretary Report:  By TRE PTA Secretary Selena Landolt
-Minutes from last meeting distributed to members present
-Motion to approve: Lisa Jones, 2nd Amy Tennant

Treasurer’s Report: by TRE PTA Treasurer Jodi Reitz
-Provided in writing by Jodi Reitz
-Motion to approve: Lisa Jones, 2nd Dianne Walker

Treasurer Report Highlights: What does PTA do and where does all of the PTA money go? Assemblies, classroom extras, computer lab, field trips, 5th grade camp, Meap snacks, Library and AR, Reading program, Playground, Staff Appreciation week, School improvements and more totaling over 14,400 for last year. Funds that are used for members include babysitting for PTA meetings, Family fun events (movie night, ice cream social, donuts with dad), Kindergarten and 5th grade recognition, Tiger Tales, Directory and Scholarships totaling $3800 last year.

Teacher’s comments Thank you for the Document cameras for the classrooms. They are cameras that project what we are working on taking the place of transparency.

Principal Comments: Smooth beginning to the school year. Magazine sales have kicked off and the money goes towards field trips and more. We are trying to maximize time on task so to do so we are now doing just quick basic announcements in the morning.  We are also doing announcements at the end of the day. Picture day is tomorrow (Friday). I want to recognize Amy Crawford and the students who maintain the outside improvements. We have some new staff and a few moves within the building. Our new teachers are Mrs. Neboyskey, Mrs. Dierks who teach 2nd grade. I also want to recognize Kate and Nancy in the lunchroom who helped a choking child.
 Committee Reports
-Mrs. Obee has stepped down as the teacher rep and Mrs. Vancena is stepping in to be our new teacher rep.

Announcements: by TRE President Kate Schmus
-Book fair is September 24-28 and the late night will be Tues. night from 5-8/ It is also Pizza primo night so go to Pizza Primo for dinner and bring your receipt to the bookfair and get 10% off your bookfair purchase. Plus a portion of Pizza Primo sales for the night goes to TRE.
-Mixed Bag Designs fundraiser: Oct 26-Nov 9. They offer adorable bags, totes, lunch bags, reusable baggies, cups, and more in different cute prints. 50% of the sales go to TRE. The most expensive thing is $39 for a huge bag.
-Bookflix is still good this year we purchased it with our Scholastic money. 
-Pizza Primo night September 24 and 25
-Pictures Friday Sept 14.
-Lynn Haberland is taking over Market day. Market day has lots of the kids favorites like Bosco sticks and big goldfish that you can’t find many places. You can order and pick it up at the specific date on the flyer at TRE. You can order online or on the flyer that goes home.

 Motion to Adjourn:  4:13pm by Ken Graf, 2nd Lisa Jones

Friday, March 9, 2012

TRE PTA meeting notes from March 8, 2012

                   TRE PTA MEETING
                                  TRE Media Room
                                   March 8, 2012

Members Present        Danielle Gandee                         Lisa Jones
            Lynn Haberland                        Carrie Staley
            Kate Schmus                              Ken Graf
            Selena Landolt                          Jodi Reitz
            Nicole Hite

Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 3:37 by TRE PTA President Kate Schmus leading the pledge.

Secretary Report:  By TRE PTA Secretary Selena Landolt
-Minutes from last meeting distributed to members present
-Motion to approve: Carrie Staley, 2nd Nicole Hite

Treasurer’s Report: by TRE PTA Treasurer Jodi Reitz
-Provided in writing by Jodi Reitz
-Motion to approve Lisa Jones, 2nd Carrie Staley

Teacher’s comments   Mrs. Hite stated that MEAP scores are coming home soon.  It is also reading month and we will be having mystery readers and a mystery assembly.

Principal Comments:  Mr. Graf mentioned that TRE did well on the MEAP scores. The district as a whole did well. From last year to this year TRE is in the top 300, #282 to be exact. It is Auction time and lots of time and effort have been spent.

Committee Reports
-Blood drive is Monday the 12th. It starts at 2pm and as of today we only have 30 scheduled appointments.
-Auction is tomorrow.  Everything is set up and ready to go.  It starts at 6pm. We have had 97 prepurchased tickets. We have lots of great baskets; in fact we have 6 more than last year. We also have Disney tickets too!
- Antiquities had to be cancelled and we may do them in the spring.
-Donuts with Dad was a huge success.
-Pizza Primo Night was good we earned $91.40
-Market Day is going to get a little more attention. Pick up day is the first wed of the month in the cafeteria from 6-7pm. You can order from the form sent home, or you can order online. Orders need to be placed by the last wed of the month in order to be picked up the first wed of the month.  Market day usually has specials like pie around the holidays including Easter. There will be coupons for new customers coming home soon.

Announcements: by TRE President Kate Schmus
- Movie Night March 23 and it will be the Muppets. Children will get one water bottle and 1 bag of popcorn and additional snacks will be for sale.
-Founder’s day dinner is March 28th. It is a way to honor teachers, administrators and PTA members. It is at the High school and Silver spoons will be catering the event. Doors open at 6:15 and dinner is at 7pm. Tickets are $15 a person.  TRE has donated 3 baskets for their auction.
-VIP day is April 27th from 1:30-3pm for K-5. Student’s VIP can take them home after school.
-Bookfair had about $7600 in sales which when combined with the last sale we have about $11000 in scholastic dollars.

 Motion to Adjourn:  4:16pm by Lisa Jones, 2nd Amy Crawford

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Notes from PTA Meeting Feb. 9, 2012

                          TRE Media Room
                          February 9, 2012

Members Present:  Cindi Palicki                   Danielle Gandee
         Kerragan Gandee           Kate Schmus
         Nicole Hite                     Selena Landolt
         Carrie Staley                   Sharon Obee
         Ken Graf                                    Gayle Deleon
         Lynn Haberland             Amy Tennant

Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 3:35 by TRE PTA President Kate Schmus leading the pledge.

Secretary Report:  By TRE PTA Secretary Selena Landolt
-Minutes from last meeting distributed to members present
-Motion to approve: Karin Sullivan, 2nd Carrie Staley

Treasurer’s Report: by TRE PTA Treasurer Jodi Reitz
-Provided in writing by Jodi Reitz
-Motion to approve Karin Sullivan, 2nd Nicole Hite

Teacher’s comments: Mrs. Hite said thank you for the chair covers and showed them. She said the book holders/chair covers saved the Harry Potter books from the flood. Mrs. Obee said thanks for all you do we appreciated all you do.

Principal Comments:  TRE is back to normal except Matt. The gym floor will probably be saved. We are having special valentines assembly dance ensemble. The kids said last year it was the best 25 minutes so they are coming back again this year.

Committee Reports
-Reading program (Diana Whan) March 2nd is Dr. Seuss’s birthday and read across America starts. This is when during the day all kids will read together. We are having crazy hat day and buying all of the teachers Dr. Seuss hats for that day.  We will have a reading kick off where each teacher picks 1 author to focus on.  The second week a mystery reader will come to read a book. The 3rd week kids illustrate a book to place on the wall for the illustrator that will come the 4th week. On Friday in the 4th week illustrator Ryan Hipp is coming to school. The 5th week we will be ending and promote the outgrow book program where a child can bring in a book they outgrew and exchange it for a new to you book. The rest of the books will be donated to a children’s hospital. We will also be having a day where the teachers dress up as their favorite character.
- The auction now has Miss Monroe tea party and Peter pan tickets along with many more great items. The baskets, which need more items, are the scrapbook basket, movie night basket and Michigan items for the OSU/MI basket.  We will be selling tickets for the Tiger Den Blackout at the auction. Vito’s is supplying the pizzas and breadsticks along with cookies. 50/50 raffle tickets are selling right now for $10 each where you could win $500. We are also selling raffle tickets for an IPAD and also auction tickets. If anyone know someone who works for Kohls we need your help.  Kohls has a Kids Kares program where the employees donate their time. We are looking to get 5 Kohls workers to sign up to help at the auction and by doing this Kohls will give TRE $500.
-We really need help with Antiquities, we do not have enough people signed up and they may cancel our picture day if we do not get 60 sessions signed up.
-Family fun night did not have the turnout we hoped but the families still had a lot of fun
-The box tops contest is over and we had 3 classes that earned pizza parties since they were all so close. Congratulations to Mrs. Hite who had over 700 box tops/labels and also Mrs. Glick’s class and Mrs. Keiser’s class they all won pizza parties.
-We are going to put a little more effort in promoting Market day. A lot of people don’t really know what it is and how it works. The current chairperson is very busy so Carrie Staley is going to do flyers for Market day. You can get most of your kid’s favorite things that are served in the lunchroom like Bosco sticks from Market day. Also, there is a $5 coupon for new customers. 

Announcements: by TRE President Kate Schmus
-Donuts with Dad is Feb. 24 7:30 am in the Gym Tim Hortons donuts and milk and coffee will be served
-Pizza Primo night is Feb 21 from 4-8pm
-June 1st is the end of the year pool party and bonfire at Brookwood. We will also be having an outdoor movie there too that night. It will just be a small fee for the party.
-Movie night is March 23 and we will be showing the Muppets.
-Blood drive is March 12th and we will be offering child care and the National Honor Society will be helping watch the kids. We will be having a beach theme this year.
-All day kindergarten sneak peek is Feb 21st they are exploring other options for those who do not want all day kindergarten.

Motion to Adjourn:  4:14pm by Sharon Obee, 2nd Cindi Palicki

Saturday, January 28, 2012

January 28th 7-10pm. Come enjoy time in the gym, pool or rockwall!
Light snacks and drinks will be for sale.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

TRE PTA meeting notes Jan 12, 2012

                      TRE PTA MEETING
                   TRE Media Room
                   January 12, 2012

                                        Members Present:
                                       Cindi Palicki                Kerragan Gandee
                                       Danielle Gandee        Nicole Hite
                                       Karin Sullivan              Lynn Haberland
                                       Ken Graf                       Sandy Kraine
                                       Lisa Jones                   Kate Schmus
                                       Amy Tennant               Selena Landolt
                                       Gayle Deleon

Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 3:35 by TRE PTA President Kate Schmus leading the pledge.

                                        Secretary Report:  By TRE PTA Secretary Selena Landolt
                                         -Minutes from last meeting distributed to members present
                                         -Motion to approve: Lisa Jones, 2nd Karin Sullivan

                                        Guest Speaker: Sandy Kraine
                                        -promoting all day kindergarten and early enrollment
                                        -drawing for an IPad for those students who register early for kindergarten

                                        Treasurer’s Report:  by TRE PTA Treasurer Jodi Reitz
-provided in writing by Jodi Reitz
-motion to approve: Lisa Jones, 2nd Karin Sullivan

               Teacher’s comments:  Karin Sullivan introduced Lynn Haverlin, she really wants to help out.

               Principal’s comments:  There are new name tags for “frequent flyer” parents instead of always taking the white stickers. The name tags are in the folder and you sign in on the green sheet.  Family fun night is coming up and that will be fun. The 4th and 5th graders are having a Geography Bee in the cafeteria wed the 18th.

              Committee Reports:
                                       -reminder for Kroger enrollment
                                       -Food town receipts we have had 70,000 in the past by now and we now have 100,000.
                                       -Campbells labels/box top contest is coming to an end Jan 31.
                                       -Gingerbread shop we made $490. We usually do $1200 but we had more low ticket items. We wanted the kids to enjoy buying gifts rather than making money.
                                       -Auction making baskets and will start collecting the teachers boxes of things the kids brought in. We will be having an Ipad drawing and 50/50 raffle. We also have Symphony tickets, 2 fire truck rides and Vitos will be catering the pizza.

                                       Announcements: by TRE President Kate Schmus
                                       -Chuck E Cheese night Jan 24
                                       -Family Fun night Jan 28th we are still looking for volunteers. We will have the rock wall, swimming, and use of the gym. This is a family event and the cost is $5 a family. You have to have tennis shoes if you are going to do the rock wall.
                                       -Antiquities Feb 18th-19. We are selling coupons for $10 and you get a free 10x13 antique style portrait. You can sell coupons and if you sell 10 you get a free package. The more you sell, the more portraits you get for free. We will be calling to set the schedule the week of Feb. 10th. 100% of the $10 from each coupon sold goes to TRE.

                                       Motion to Adjourn:  3:52pm by Karin Sullivan, 2nd Lisa Jones