Friday, March 9, 2012

TRE PTA meeting notes from March 8, 2012

                   TRE PTA MEETING
                                  TRE Media Room
                                   March 8, 2012

Members Present        Danielle Gandee                         Lisa Jones
            Lynn Haberland                        Carrie Staley
            Kate Schmus                              Ken Graf
            Selena Landolt                          Jodi Reitz
            Nicole Hite

Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 3:37 by TRE PTA President Kate Schmus leading the pledge.

Secretary Report:  By TRE PTA Secretary Selena Landolt
-Minutes from last meeting distributed to members present
-Motion to approve: Carrie Staley, 2nd Nicole Hite

Treasurer’s Report: by TRE PTA Treasurer Jodi Reitz
-Provided in writing by Jodi Reitz
-Motion to approve Lisa Jones, 2nd Carrie Staley

Teacher’s comments   Mrs. Hite stated that MEAP scores are coming home soon.  It is also reading month and we will be having mystery readers and a mystery assembly.

Principal Comments:  Mr. Graf mentioned that TRE did well on the MEAP scores. The district as a whole did well. From last year to this year TRE is in the top 300, #282 to be exact. It is Auction time and lots of time and effort have been spent.

Committee Reports
-Blood drive is Monday the 12th. It starts at 2pm and as of today we only have 30 scheduled appointments.
-Auction is tomorrow.  Everything is set up and ready to go.  It starts at 6pm. We have had 97 prepurchased tickets. We have lots of great baskets; in fact we have 6 more than last year. We also have Disney tickets too!
- Antiquities had to be cancelled and we may do them in the spring.
-Donuts with Dad was a huge success.
-Pizza Primo Night was good we earned $91.40
-Market Day is going to get a little more attention. Pick up day is the first wed of the month in the cafeteria from 6-7pm. You can order from the form sent home, or you can order online. Orders need to be placed by the last wed of the month in order to be picked up the first wed of the month.  Market day usually has specials like pie around the holidays including Easter. There will be coupons for new customers coming home soon.

Announcements: by TRE President Kate Schmus
- Movie Night March 23 and it will be the Muppets. Children will get one water bottle and 1 bag of popcorn and additional snacks will be for sale.
-Founder’s day dinner is March 28th. It is a way to honor teachers, administrators and PTA members. It is at the High school and Silver spoons will be catering the event. Doors open at 6:15 and dinner is at 7pm. Tickets are $15 a person.  TRE has donated 3 baskets for their auction.
-VIP day is April 27th from 1:30-3pm for K-5. Student’s VIP can take them home after school.
-Bookfair had about $7600 in sales which when combined with the last sale we have about $11000 in scholastic dollars.

 Motion to Adjourn:  4:16pm by Lisa Jones, 2nd Amy Crawford