Monday, April 22, 2013

April 11, 2013

Members Present:
Selena Landolt Sarah Enriquez Lisa Jones

Jodi Reitz Kate Schmus Kim Stensaker Tara Vancena
Amy Tennant
Call to order: Meeting called to order at 3:33pm by TRE PTA President Kate Schmus leading the pledge.
Secretary Report: By TRE PTA Secretary Selena Landolt. ­Minutes from last meeting distributed to members present ­Motion to approve: Karin Sullivan, 2nd Lisa Jones Treasurer’s Report: By TRE PTA Treasurer Jodi Rietz ­Provided in writing by Jodi Reitz
­Motion to approve: Lisa Jones, 2nd Karin Sullivan
Teacher’s Comments: Mrs. Sullivan stated that they are collecting scholarship applications. The recipient will speak at 5th grade recognition. Thanks for the lunch and desserts the other day, they were great.
Principal Comments:
Committee Reports
­Sock hop rescheduled for April 19th 6­8pm hot dogs, chips and drink available for $2.
­Book fair April 22­26. We will be taking book fair profits as cash and each child will get a free book at the book fair. ­VIP day is April 26 at 1:30.
­Market day orders are due today by 11pm.
­End of the year party ideas discussed. .
Motion to adjourn: 4:33 by Karin Sullivan, 2nd Lisa Jones
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March 12, 2013

Members Present:
Selena Landolt Sarah Enriquez Lisa Jones
Jodi Reitz
Kim Stensaker
Kate Schmus Tara Vancena

Amy Tennant
Call to order: Meeting called to order at 3:35pm by TRE PTA President Kate Schmus leading the pledge.
Secretary Report: By TRE PTA Secretary Selena Landolt. ­Minutes from last meeting distributed to members present ­Motion to approve: Lisa Jones, 2nd Amy Tennant Treasurer’s Report: By TRE PTA Treasurer Jodi Rietz ­Provided in writing by Jodi Reitz
­Motion to approve: Lisa Jones, 2nd Selena Landolt
Teacher’s Comments: Principal Comments: Committee Reports
­Sock hop rescheduled for April 19th 6­8pm hot dogs, chips and drink available for $2.
­We will be taking book fair profits as cash, we are trying to get enough money to possibly provide TRE families with an electronic device for an end of the year gift.
­Soup labels can still be turned in for TRE credit.
­End of the year party ideas being discussed.
Motion to adjourn: 4:03 by Tara Vancena, 2nd Lisa Jones,
Danielle Gandee
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