TRE Media room
Jan 10, 2013
Members Present:
Selena Landolt Lynn Haberland Lisa Jones Amy Tennant
Karin Sullivan Alison Brannon Jennifer Runyon Kate Schmus
Jan Tully Jodi Reitz Sarah Enriquez
Jan Tully Jodi Reitz Sarah Enriquez
Ken Graf
Call to order: Meeting called to order at 3:36pm by TRE PTA President Kate Schmus leading the pledge.
Secretary Report: By TRE PTA Secretary Selena Landolt. -Minutes from last meeting distributed to members present -Motion to approve: Karin Sullivan, 2nd Lisa Jones
Treasurer’s Report: By TRE PTA Treasurer Jodi Rietz -Provided in writing by Jodi Reitz
-Box tops earned $882
-Ginger bread shop about $1000 profit
-Insurance and taxes paid
-Motion to approve: Lisa Jones, 2nd Karin Sullivan
Teacher’s Comments: Mrs. Sullivan said Gingerbread shop was awesome, loved the one price for everything
and there were lots of great gifts and ones you could actually use. Mrs. Tully said Amelia Bedelia’s 50th birthday is coming up and would like to maybe tie it into the sock hop.
Principal Comments: It has been odd in the building the last few weeks. Doors are being manned, and police are here and we are thankful they are here but it is difficult to se it happening. The pickup hallway is also monitored at the end of the day too. We are hiring a person to man to doors and currently there are 12 open positions for hall monitors for the district. The teachers are doing a great job keeping their doors closed and making sure the students feel safe. Committee Reports
-Gingerbread shop went well and made a good profit.
-Market day has issued a new rule that if the school does not have $500 worth of orders in a month the company will cancel our entire order.
-Reflections is over. We had 22 kids enter the competition and 8 projects are going on to compete at the state level. May 15 there will be an awards banquet for all who participated in the program.
-Founders day is a celebration of PTA and the start of PTA. There is a dinner and awards are given out. THe date is March 19 6pm in the High school cafeteria.
-Auction is all coming together. We will be auctioning off a tea party with Miss Michigan, Sports tickets, and more exciting things to come. Our tax id form is in the office and anyone can take one to help in getting donations.
Motion to adjourn: 4:03 by Karin Sullivan, 2nd Lisa Jones,
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