Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Notes from PTA Meeting Feb. 9, 2012

                          TRE Media Room
                          February 9, 2012

Members Present:  Cindi Palicki                   Danielle Gandee
         Kerragan Gandee           Kate Schmus
         Nicole Hite                     Selena Landolt
         Carrie Staley                   Sharon Obee
         Ken Graf                                    Gayle Deleon
         Lynn Haberland             Amy Tennant

Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 3:35 by TRE PTA President Kate Schmus leading the pledge.

Secretary Report:  By TRE PTA Secretary Selena Landolt
-Minutes from last meeting distributed to members present
-Motion to approve: Karin Sullivan, 2nd Carrie Staley

Treasurer’s Report: by TRE PTA Treasurer Jodi Reitz
-Provided in writing by Jodi Reitz
-Motion to approve Karin Sullivan, 2nd Nicole Hite

Teacher’s comments: Mrs. Hite said thank you for the chair covers and showed them. She said the book holders/chair covers saved the Harry Potter books from the flood. Mrs. Obee said thanks for all you do we appreciated all you do.

Principal Comments:  TRE is back to normal except Matt. The gym floor will probably be saved. We are having special valentines assembly dance ensemble. The kids said last year it was the best 25 minutes so they are coming back again this year.

Committee Reports
-Reading program (Diana Whan) March 2nd is Dr. Seuss’s birthday and read across America starts. This is when during the day all kids will read together. We are having crazy hat day and buying all of the teachers Dr. Seuss hats for that day.  We will have a reading kick off where each teacher picks 1 author to focus on.  The second week a mystery reader will come to read a book. The 3rd week kids illustrate a book to place on the wall for the illustrator that will come the 4th week. On Friday in the 4th week illustrator Ryan Hipp is coming to school. The 5th week we will be ending and promote the outgrow book program where a child can bring in a book they outgrew and exchange it for a new to you book. The rest of the books will be donated to a children’s hospital. We will also be having a day where the teachers dress up as their favorite character.
- The auction now has Miss Monroe tea party and Peter pan tickets along with many more great items. The baskets, which need more items, are the scrapbook basket, movie night basket and Michigan items for the OSU/MI basket.  We will be selling tickets for the Tiger Den Blackout at the auction. Vito’s is supplying the pizzas and breadsticks along with cookies. 50/50 raffle tickets are selling right now for $10 each where you could win $500. We are also selling raffle tickets for an IPAD and also auction tickets. If anyone know someone who works for Kohls we need your help.  Kohls has a Kids Kares program where the employees donate their time. We are looking to get 5 Kohls workers to sign up to help at the auction and by doing this Kohls will give TRE $500.
-We really need help with Antiquities, we do not have enough people signed up and they may cancel our picture day if we do not get 60 sessions signed up.
-Family fun night did not have the turnout we hoped but the families still had a lot of fun
-The box tops contest is over and we had 3 classes that earned pizza parties since they were all so close. Congratulations to Mrs. Hite who had over 700 box tops/labels and also Mrs. Glick’s class and Mrs. Keiser’s class they all won pizza parties.
-We are going to put a little more effort in promoting Market day. A lot of people don’t really know what it is and how it works. The current chairperson is very busy so Carrie Staley is going to do flyers for Market day. You can get most of your kid’s favorite things that are served in the lunchroom like Bosco sticks from Market day. Also, there is a $5 coupon for new customers. 

Announcements: by TRE President Kate Schmus
-Donuts with Dad is Feb. 24 7:30 am in the Gym Tim Hortons donuts and milk and coffee will be served
-Pizza Primo night is Feb 21 from 4-8pm
-June 1st is the end of the year pool party and bonfire at Brookwood. We will also be having an outdoor movie there too that night. It will just be a small fee for the party.
-Movie night is March 23 and we will be showing the Muppets.
-Blood drive is March 12th and we will be offering child care and the National Honor Society will be helping watch the kids. We will be having a beach theme this year.
-All day kindergarten sneak peek is Feb 21st they are exploring other options for those who do not want all day kindergarten.

Motion to Adjourn:  4:14pm by Sharon Obee, 2nd Cindi Palicki

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